syntax = "proto3"; // Note: The Apollo usage reporting API is subject to change. We strongly encourage developers to contact Apollo support // at to discuss their use case prior to building their own reporting agent using this module. import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message Trace { message CachePolicy { enum Scope { UNKNOWN = 0; PUBLIC = 1; PRIVATE = 2; } Scope scope = 1; int64 max_age_ns = 2; // use 0 for absent, -1 for 0 } message Details { // The variables associated with this query (unless the reporting agent is // configured to keep them all private). Values are JSON: ie, strings are // enclosed in double quotes, etc. The value of a private variable is // the empty string. map variables_json = 4; // This is deprecated and only used for legacy applications // don't include this in traces inside a FullTracesReport; the operation // name for these traces comes from the key of the traces_per_query map. string operation_name = 3; } message Error { string message = 1; // required repeated Location location = 2; uint64 time_ns = 3; string json = 4; } message HTTP { message Values { repeated string value = 1; } enum Method { UNKNOWN = 0; OPTIONS = 1; GET = 2; HEAD = 3; POST = 4; PUT = 5; DELETE = 6; TRACE = 7; CONNECT = 8; PATCH = 9; } Method method = 1; // Should exclude manual blacklist ("Auth" by default) map request_headers = 4; map response_headers = 5; uint32 status_code = 6; reserved 2, 3, 8, 9; } message Location { uint32 line = 1; uint32 column = 2; } // We store information on each resolver execution as a Node on a tree. // The structure of the tree corresponds to the structure of the GraphQL // response; it does not indicate the order in which resolvers were // invoked. Note that nodes representing indexes (and the root node) // don't contain all Node fields (eg types and times). message Node { // The name of the field (for Nodes representing a resolver call) or the // index in a list (for intermediate Nodes representing elements of a list). // field_name is the name of the field as it appears in the GraphQL // response: ie, it may be an alias. (In that case, the original_field_name // field holds the actual field name from the schema.) In any context where // we're building up a path, we use the response_name rather than the // original_field_name. oneof id { string response_name = 1; uint32 index = 2; } string original_field_name = 14; // The field's return type; e.g. "String!" for! string type = 3; // The field's parent type; e.g. "User" for! string parent_type = 13; CachePolicy cache_policy = 5; // relative to the trace's start_time, in ns uint64 start_time = 8; // relative to the trace's start_time, in ns uint64 end_time = 9; repeated Error error = 11; repeated Node child = 12; reserved 4; } // represents a node in the query plan, under which there is a trace tree for that service fetch. // In particular, each fetch node represents a call to an implementing service, and calls to implementing // services may not be unique. See // for more information and details. message QueryPlanNode { // This represents a set of nodes to be executed sequentially by the Router/Gateway executor message SequenceNode { repeated QueryPlanNode nodes = 1; } // This represents a set of nodes to be executed in parallel by the Router/Gateway executor message ParallelNode { repeated QueryPlanNode nodes = 1; } // This represents a node to send an operation to an implementing service message FetchNode { // XXX When we want to include more details about the sub-operation that was // executed against this service, we should include that here in each fetch node. // This might include an operation signature, requires directive, reference resolutions, etc. string service_name = 1; bool trace_parsing_failed = 2; // This Trace only contains start_time, end_time, duration_ns, and root; // all timings were calculated **on the subgraph**, and clock skew // will be handled by the ingress server. Trace trace = 3; // relative to the outer trace's start_time, in ns, measured in the Router/Gateway. uint64 sent_time_offset = 4; // Wallclock times measured in the Router/Gateway for when this operation was // sent and received. google.protobuf.Timestamp sent_time = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp received_time = 6; } // This node represents a way to reach into the response path and attach related entities. // XXX Flatten is really not the right name and this node may be renamed in the query planner. message FlattenNode { repeated ResponsePathElement response_path = 1; QueryPlanNode node = 2; } // A `DeferNode` corresponds to one or more @defer at the same level of "nestedness" in the planned query. message DeferNode { DeferNodePrimary primary = 1; repeated DeferredNode deferred = 2; } message ConditionNode { string condition = 1; QueryPlanNode if_clause = 2; QueryPlanNode else_clause = 3; } message DeferNodePrimary { QueryPlanNode node = 1; } message DeferredNode { repeated DeferredNodeDepends depends = 1; string label = 2; repeated ResponsePathElement path = 3; QueryPlanNode node = 4; } message DeferredNodeDepends { string id = 1; string defer_label = 2; } message ResponsePathElement { oneof id { string field_name = 1; uint32 index = 2; } } oneof node { SequenceNode sequence = 1; ParallelNode parallel = 2; FetchNode fetch = 3; FlattenNode flatten = 4; DeferNode defer = 5; ConditionNode condition = 6; } } // The cost of the operation message Limits { // The result of the operation. string result = 1; // The strategy used in cost calculations. string strategy = 2; // The estimated cost as calculated via the strategy specified in strategy uint64 cost_estimated = 3; // The actual cost using the strategy specified in strategy uint64 cost_actual = 4; // The depth of the query uint64 depth = 5; // The height of the query uint64 height = 6; // The number of aliases in the query uint64 alias_count = 7; // The number of root fields in the query uint64 root_field_count = 8; } // Wallclock time when the trace began. google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4; // required // Wallclock time when the trace ended. google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 3; // required // High precision duration of the trace; may not equal end_time-start_time // (eg, if your machine's clock changed during the trace). uint64 duration_ns = 11; // required // A tree containing information about all resolvers run directly by this // service, including errors. Node root = 14; // If this is true, the trace is potentially missing some nodes that were // present on the query plan. This can happen if the trace span buffer used // in the Router fills up and some spans have to be dropped. In these cases // the overall trace timing will still be correct, but the trace data could // be missing some referenced or executed fields, and some nodes may be // missing. If this is true we should display a warning to the user when they // view the trace in Explorer. bool is_incomplete = 33; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fields below this line are *not* included in inline traces (the traces // sent from subgraphs to the Router/Gateway). // In addition to details.raw_query, we include a "signature" of the query, // which can be normalized: for example, you may want to discard aliases, drop // unused operations and fragments, sort fields, etc. The most important thing // here is that the signature match the signature in StatsReports. In // StatsReports signatures show up as the key in the per_query map (with the // operation name prepended). The signature should be a valid GraphQL query. // All traces must have a signature; if this Trace is in a FullTracesReport // that signature is in the key of traces_per_query rather than in this field. // Engineproxy provides the signature in legacy_signature_needs_resigning // instead. string signature = 19; // Optional: when GraphQL parsing or validation against the GraphQL schema fails, these fields // can include reference to the operation being sent for users to dig into the set of operations // that are failing validation. string unexecutedOperationBody = 27; string unexecutedOperationName = 28; Details details = 6; string client_name = 7; string client_version = 8; string operation_type = 35; string operation_subtype = 36; HTTP http = 10; CachePolicy cache_policy = 18; // If this Trace was created by a Router/Gateway, this is the query plan, including // sub-Traces for subgraphs. Note that the 'root' tree on the // top-level Trace won't contain any resolvers (though it could contain errors // that occurred in the Router/Gateway itself). QueryPlanNode query_plan = 26; // Was this response served from a full query response cache? (In that case // the node tree will have no resolvers.) bool full_query_cache_hit = 20; // Was this query specified successfully as a persisted query hash? bool persisted_query_hit = 21; // Did this query contain both a full query string and a persisted query hash? // (This typically means that a previous request was rejected as an unknown // persisted query.) bool persisted_query_register = 22; // Was this operation registered and a part of the safelist? bool registered_operation = 24; // Was this operation forbidden due to lack of safelisting? bool forbidden_operation = 25; // Some servers don't do field-level instrumentation for every request and assign // each request a "weight" for each request that they do instrument. When this // trace is aggregated into field usage stats, it should count as this value // towards the estimated_execution_count rather than just 1. This value should // typically be at least 1. // // 0 is treated as 1 for backwards compatibility. double field_execution_weight = 31; // The limits information of the query. Limits limits = 32; // removed: Node parse = 12; Node validate = 13; // Id128 server_id = 1; Id128 client_id = 2; // String client_reference_id = 23; String client_address = 9; // 29 and 30 were internal fields. reserved 1, 2, 9, 12, 13, 23, 29, 30; } // The `service` value embedded within the header key is not guaranteed to contain an actual service, // and, in most cases, the service information is trusted to come from upstream processing. If the // service _is_ specified in this header, then it is checked to match the context that is reporting it. // Otherwise, the service information is deduced from the token context of the reporter and then sent // along via other mechanisms (in Kafka, the `ReportKafkaKey). The other information (hostname, // agent_version, etc.) is sent by the Apollo Engine Reporting agent, but we do not currently save that // information to any of our persistent storage. message ReportHeader { // eg "mygraph@myvariant" string graph_ref = 12; // eg "" string hostname = 5; // eg "engineproxy 0.1.0" string agent_version = 6; // required // eg "prod-4279-20160804T065423Z-5-g3cf0aa8" (taken from `git describe --tags`) string service_version = 7; // eg "node v4.6.0" string runtime_version = 8; // eg "Linux box 4.6.5-1-ec2 #1 SMP Mon Aug 1 02:31:38 PDT 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux" string uname = 9; // An id that is used to represent the schema to Apollo Graph Manager // Using this in place of what used to be schema_hash, since that is no longer // attached to a schema in the backend. string executable_schema_id = 11; reserved 3; // removed string service = 3; } message PathErrorStats { map children = 1; uint64 errors_count = 4; uint64 requests_with_errors_count = 5; } message QueryLatencyStats { // The latencies of all non-cached requests, so the sum of all counts should equal request_count minus cache_hits. // This is an array of counts within a logarithmic range of 384 latency buckets. To calculate the bucket from a // microsecond, use the formula: max(0, min(ceil(ln(x)/ln(1.1)), 383)). So for example, 323424 microseconds (323.424 // ms) corresponds to bucket 134. Buckets can be skipped using a negative number, so one request on that bucket could // be represented as [-134, 1] (skip buckets numbered 0 to 133 and set a 1 in bucket 134). repeated sint64 latency_count = 13 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; // The total number of requests, including both cache hits and cache misses uint64 request_count = 2; // The total number of requests that were cache hits. Each request should be represented in cache_latency_count uint64 cache_hits = 3; uint64 persisted_query_hits = 4; uint64 persisted_query_misses = 5; // This array includes the latency buckets for all operations included in cache_hits // See comment on latency_count for details. repeated sint64 cache_latency_count = 14 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; // Paths and counts for each error. The total number of requests with errors within this object should be the same as // requests_with_errors_count below. PathErrorStats root_error_stats = 7; // Total number of requests that contained at least one error uint64 requests_with_errors_count = 8; repeated sint64 public_cache_ttl_count = 15 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; repeated sint64 private_cache_ttl_count = 16 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; uint64 registered_operation_count = 11; uint64 forbidden_operation_count = 12; // The number of requests that were executed without field-level // instrumentation (and thus do not contribute to `observed_execution_count` // fields on this message's cousin-twice-removed FieldStats). uint64 requests_without_field_instrumentation = 17; // 1, 6, 9, and 10 were old int64 histograms reserved 1, 6, 9, 10; } // Stats on the query that can be populated by the gateway or router. message LimitsStats { // The strategy used in cost calculations. string strategy = 1; // The estimated cost as calculated via the strategy specified in stats context // The reason that this is a histogram rather than fixed cost is that it can be affected by paging variables. repeated sint64 cost_estimated = 2 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; // The maximum estimated cost of the query uint64 max_cost_estimated = 3; // The actual cost using the strategy specified in stats context repeated sint64 cost_actual = 4 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; // The maximum estimated cost of the query uint64 max_cost_actual = 5; // The total depth of the query uint64 depth = 6; // The height of the query uint64 height = 7; // The number of aliases in the query uint64 alias_count = 8; // The number of root fields in the query uint64 root_field_count = 9; } // The context around a block of stats and traces indicating from which client the operation was executed and its // operation type. Operation type and subtype are only used by Apollo Router. message StatsContext { reserved 1; // string client_reference_id = 1; string client_name = 2; string client_version = 3; string operation_type = 4; string operation_subtype = 5; // The result of the operation. Either OK or the error code that caused the operation to fail. // This will not contain all errors from a query, only the primary reason the operation failed. e.g. a limits failure or an auth failure. string result = 6; } message ContextualizedQueryLatencyStats { QueryLatencyStats query_latency_stats = 1; StatsContext context = 2; } message ContextualizedTypeStats { StatsContext context = 1; map per_type_stat = 2; } message FieldStat { string return_type = 3; // required; eg "String!" for! // Number of errors whose path is this field. Note that we assume that error // tracking does *not* require field-level instrumentation so this *will* // include errors from requests that don't contribute to the // `observed_execution_count` field (and does not need to be scaled by // field_execution_weight). uint64 errors_count = 4; // Number of times that the resolver for this field is directly observed being // executed. uint64 observed_execution_count = 5; // Same as `observed_execution_count` but potentially scaled upwards if the server was only // performing field-level instrumentation on a sampling of operations. For // example, if the server randomly instruments 1% of requests for this // operation, this number will be 100 times greater than // `observed_execution_count`. (When aggregating a Trace into FieldStats, // this number goes up by the trace's `field_execution_weight` for each // observed field execution, while `observed_execution_count` above goes // up by 1.) uint64 estimated_execution_count = 10; // Number of times the resolver for this field is executed that resulted in // at least one error. "Request" is a misnomer here as this corresponds to // resolver calls, not overall operations. Like `errors_count` above, this // includes all requests rather than just requests with field-level // instrumentation. uint64 requests_with_errors_count = 6; // Duration histogram for the latency of this field. Note that it is scaled in // the same way as estimated_execution_count so its "total count" might be // greater than `observed_execution_count` and may not exactly equal // `estimated_execution_count` due to rounding. // See comment on QueryLatencyStats's latency_count for details. repeated sint64 latency_count = 9 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; reserved 1, 2, 7, 8; } // As FieldStat only gets returned for FTV1 payloads this is a separate message that can be used to collect stats in the router or gateway obtained directly from the request schema and response. message LocalFieldStat { string return_type = 1; // required; eg "String!" for! // Histogram of returned array sizes repeated sint64 array_size = 2 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; } message TypeStat { // Key is (eg) "email" for! map per_field_stat = 3; reserved 1, 2; } message LocalTypeStat { // Key is (eg) "email" for! // Unlike FieldStat, this is populated outside of FTV1 requests. map local_per_field_stat = 1; } message ReferencedFieldsForType { // Contains (eg) "email" for! repeated string field_names = 1; // True if this type is an interface. bool is_interface = 2; } // This is the top-level message used by Apollo Server, Apollo Router, and other libraries to report usage information // to Apollo. This message consists of traces and stats for operations. By default, each individual operation execution // should be either represented as a trace or within stats, but not both. However if the "traces_pre_aggregated" field // is set to true, all operations should be included in stats and anything specified as a trace is not added in to the // aggregate stats. For performance reasons, we recommend that traces are sampled so that only somewhere around 1% of // operation executions are sent as traces. Additionally, buffering operations up until a large size has been reached // (say, 4MB) or 5-10 seconds has passed is appropriate. // This message used to be known as FullTracesReport, but got renamed since it isn't just for traces anymore. message Report { message OperationCountByType { string type = 1; string subtype = 2; uint64 operation_count = 3; } ReportHeader header = 1; // If QueryMetadata isn't provided, this key should be a statsReportKey (# operationName\nsignature). If the operation // name, signature, and persisted query IDs are provided in the QueryMetadata, and this operation was requested via a // persisted query, this key can be "pq# " instead of the signature and operation. map traces_per_query = 5; // This is the time that the requests in this trace are considered to have taken place // If this field is not present the max of the end_time of each trace will be used instead. // If there are no traces and no end_time present the report will not be able to be processed. // Note: This will override the end_time from traces. google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 2; // required if no traces in this message // Total number of operations processed during this period. This includes all operations, even if they are sampled // and not included in the query latency stats. uint64 operation_count = 6; // Total number of operations broken up by operation type and operation subtype. // Only either this or operation_count should be populated, but if both are present, the total across all types and // subtypes should match the overall operation_count. repeated OperationCountByType operation_count_by_type = 8; // If this is set to true, the stats in TracesWithStats.stats_with_context // represent all of the operations described from this report, and the // traces in TracesWithStats.trace are a sampling of some of the same // operations. If this is false, each operation is described in precisely // one of those two fields. bool traces_pre_aggregated = 7; // This indicates whether or not extended references are enabled, which are within the stats with context and contain // input type and enum value references. We need this flag so we can tell if the option is enabled even when there are // no extended references to report. bool extended_references_enabled = 9; } message ContextualizedStats { StatsContext context = 1; QueryLatencyStats query_latency_stats = 2; // Key is type name. This structure provides data for the count and latency of individual // field executions and thus only reflects operations for which field-level tracing occurred. map per_type_stat = 3; // Extended references including input types and enum values. ExtendedReferences extended_references = 6; // Per type stats that are obtained directly by the router or gateway rather than FTV1. map local_per_type_stat = 7; // Stats that contain limits information for the query. LimitsStats limits_stats = 8; // Total number of operations processed during this period for this context. This includes all operations, even if they are sampled // and not included in the query latency stats. uint64 operation_count = 9; reserved 4, 5; } message QueryMetadata { // The operation name. For now this is a required field if QueryMetadata is present. string name = 1; // the operation signature. For now this is a required field if QueryMetadata is present. string signature = 2; // (Optional) Persisted query ID that was used to request this operation. string pq_id = 3; } message ExtendedReferences { map input_types = 1; // Map of enum name to stats about that enum. map enum_values = 2; } message InputTypeStats { // Map of input object type to the stats about the fields within that object. map field_names = 1; } message InputFieldStats { // The total number of operations that reference the input object field. uint64 refs = 1; // The number of operations that reference the input object field as a null value. uint64 null_refs = 2; // The number of operations that don't reference this input object field (the field is missing or undefined). uint64 missing = 3; } message EnumStats { // Map of enum value name to the number of referencing operations. map enum_values = 1; } // A sequence of traces and stats. If Report.traces_pre_aggregated (at the top // level of the report) is false, an individual operation should either be // described as a trace or as part of stats, but not both. If that flag // is true, then all operations are described as stats and some are also // described as traces. message TracesAndStats { repeated Trace trace = 1 [(js_preEncoded) = true]; repeated ContextualizedStats stats_with_context = 2 [(js_use_toArray) = true]; // This describes the fields referenced in the operation. Note that this may // include fields that don't show up in FieldStats (due to being interface fields, // being nested under null fields or empty lists or non-matching fragments or // `@include` or `@skip`, etc). It also may be missing fields that show up in FieldStats // (as FieldStats will include the concrete object type for fields referenced // via an interface type). map referenced_fields_by_type = 4; // This is an optional field that is used to provide more context to the key of this object within the // traces_per_query map. If it's omitted, we assume the key is a standard operation name and signature key. QueryMetadata query_metadata = 5; reserved 3; }